“Seventeen subjects applied to take part in the study. All subjects met the inclusion criteria, and none were excluded. Randomization resulted in 8 participants assigned to the VR group and 9 tonone were excluded. Randomization resulted in 8 participants assigned to the VR group and 9 to the BT group. Both simulators delivered improvements in arthroscopic skills. BT training led to skills that readily transferred to the VR simulator. Skills acquired after VR training did not transfer as readily to the BT simulator. Despite trainees receiving automated metric feedback from the VR simulator, the results suggest greater gain in psychomotor skills for BT training.”
Middleton et al., “Simulation-Based Training Platforms for Arthroscopy: A Randomized Comparison of Virtual Reality Learning to Benchtop Learning”, Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery (in press)